Rachelle Logan


T: 07 4050 2468
M: 0438 050 782


Ms. Logan was first admitted to the Supreme Court in 2005 and commenced her career as a lawyer for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. Ms Logan was admitted to the Bar in 2009 and appointed into the position of Crown Prosecutor the same year. She has experience as Counsel in complex criminal trials, sentences and hearings in the Supreme, District , Children’s and Magistrates Court in Brisbane and regional Queensland.

In April 2018 Ms. Logan commenced private practice at the Queensland Bar and has continued her interest and expertise in criminal matters and also advises on areas of evidence, prospects of success and strategic matters, as well as appearing in the Court of Appeal. Ms. Logan accepts briefs in criminal matters, inquests, inquiries and domestic violence hearings, as well as commercial law and native title matters.

Ms. Logan has been appointed to Legal Aid Queensland’s Complex Criminal Barrister Panel.